Flip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding Bottle

Designer: Guangdong Shunde Remon Technology (NICEPAPA)

Category: Product Design

Project country: China

Project website: https://www.nicepapa.com/

The Nicepapa baby feeding bottle is a flip-cap bottle with its patented design for easy one-handed flip-cap opening. Setting itself apart from traditional baby bottles, the lid and bottle body are connected thus reducing the number of operating steps and cap contact from other surfaces for a cleaner and hygienic experience. This one-handed operation enables mothers to multitask with their other hand while its ultra-pure food-grade silicone material mimics breastfeeding to reduce bottle rejection and nipple confusion issues.

Flip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding BottleFlip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding BottleFlip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding BottleFlip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding BottleFlip Cap Silicone Baby Feeding Bottle